Random Access Memories

March 26, 2015

Flight 9525 and security or freedom

by @ 6:27 am. Filed under Personal, Politics

So, we have learned this morning that the copilot of this flight intentionally crashed it.

Which would not have been possible if he had not been able to completely lock the pilot out of the cockpit.

Which is something that was enabled after 9/11.

So, do you feel safer now? I sure don’t.

March 25, 2015

Printer is fixed

by @ 7:21 am. Filed under Personal

Had to rebuild the hot end from scratch, but it seems fine now. Hoorah!

March 10, 2015

Dead printer

by @ 8:25 pm. Filed under Personal

Looks like my printer is dead for a week while I order some new fuses. At which time I can try to figure out what is broken on it that keeps blowing fuses.

After begging for some help online it looks like it’s going to cost me $170 to fix it. Not having a good week here….

March 9, 2015

I think a line must be drawn in the sand

by @ 10:31 pm. Filed under Business, Personal, Technology

When I get ready to move again one of my top priorities will be high speed internet.

And by that I mean faster than Comcast or Centurylink DSL. Something TRULY high speed.


by @ 5:41 pm. Filed under Personal

I am tempted to move close to my office and just use their wifi.

Internet speed at my office.

Lasivian's small corner of the web.
(Please wipe your browser before entering so you don't track in mud)

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Si hoc legere scis mimium eruditionis habes

Does your brain hurt yet?

retesostft vntphoim enuni toegtieittyft nece n tiog siheun sec eevd go doyvweelprnnstt ievtg h i tieosddfrntea ytiedtt uryrieyhmhsug rer hieoywle unie tnxeref nfls ettdsiedte fnsiei fdhfZ

(I can't remember how I encrypted this cipher , the first person to crack it gets 10$ via Paypal.)

My Email:

01001010011101010111001101110 10000100000011010000110100101 10010001101001011011100110011 10010000001101101011110010010 00000110010101101101011000010 11010010110110000100000011010 01011011100010000001110000011 01100011000010110100101101110 00100000011100110110100101100 11101101000011101000000110100 00101000001101000010100100110 00110000101110011011010010111 01100110100101100001011011100 10000000110011101101101011000 01011010010110110000101110011 000110110111101101101

How long the USA has been under corporate rule:

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March 2015

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