Random Access Memories

December 18, 2020

My new housemates

by @ 5:42 pm. Filed under Personal

So, perhaps not the nest decisions of my life, but I moved into a shared house.

Now my intention was to “not live alone”. I could have easily afforded my own apartment, but this was slightly cheaper, and I really didn’t want to just live in a quite room by myself.

So I paid 6 months rent up front to not have to waste money on credit checks and moved in.

Yeah… maybe should have talked to them a little bit more.

There is a couple that owns the home. About 20 years younger than me. And they act like I don’t exist. Now i’m sure for some people this would be absolutely perfect. For me? Not so much.

The male half is extremely introverted. I can see his awkward physical reaction when I even say “hello”. The female half is less introverted, but still very quiet and has not said 3 words to me in 2 months.

There is another tenant here. And i’ve caught one glimpse of him over those 2 months. He literally never comes out of his room.

Now several people have said “Maybe they’re just scared of you” or “Maybe they don’t understand you want to be their friend”.

My answer to this is, “I don’t care”.

That might seem harsh, but i’m really not in the place in my life to spend energy trying to be friends with people who are clearly showing they do not want to be my friend.

This sums up exactly why I am leaving the USA. Because it’s just very unfriendly to a middle-aged single white male.

I think I can do better.

We shall find out.

December 16, 2020

“I think that when you do creative work, you stimulate your brain, and that helps keep your body healthy.” – Eddy Goldfarb, Toy Inventor

by @ 8:05 pm. Filed under Personal

December 1, 2020

A sad day for science

by @ 11:36 am. Filed under Business, Financial, Personal, Politics, Technology


Arecibo collapsed today, but sadly the funding for science in the USA collapsed decades ago.

Lasivian's small corner of the web.
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Si hoc legere scis mimium eruditionis habes

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retesostft vntphoim enuni toegtieittyft nece n tiog siheun sec eevd go doyvweelprnnstt ievtg h i tieosddfrntea ytiedtt uryrieyhmhsug rer hieoywle unie tnxeref nfls ettdsiedte fnsiei fdhfZ

(I can't remember how I encrypted this cipher , the first person to crack it gets 10$ via Paypal.)

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01001010011101010111001101110 10000100000011010000110100101 10010001101001011011100110011 10010000001101101011110010010 00000110010101101101011000010 11010010110110000100000011010 01011011100010000001110000011 01100011000010110100101101110 00100000011100110110100101100 11101101000011101000000110100 00101000001101000010100100110 00110000101110011011010010111 01100110100101100001011011100 10000000110011101101101011000 01011010010110110000101110011 000110110111101101101

How long the USA has been under corporate rule:

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December 2020

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