Random Access Memories

April 6, 2007

Dental Debacle

by @ 8:13 am. Filed under Personal

So, I go in to have a tooth pulled, it had broken a few years ago and I have no insurance so reconstruction was out.

The dentist trimmed away part of it before he pulled it, unfortunately for whatever reason the drill hit my tongue.

Tongue Cut

Needless to say i’m hardly pleased at this, my tongue hurts far more than my jaw does.

EDIT: It did heal up finally, but it’s left a very noticeable scar. It hasn’t impeded my taste at all tho.

UPDATE: Here is a photo of what it looks like now.

Tongue Cut Healed

2 Responses to “Dental Debacle”

  1. Rob Says:

    How long did it take for your tongue to completely heal and scar down, I have a similar problem and I am freaking out, please help

  2. Lasivian Says:

    I don’t know really how long it took to heal up.

    I was freaking out as well at the time but it’s ok now. You will eventually heal up.

    However if your injury is as bad as mine was you will unfortunately have a noticeable “slice” in it after it heals. Like a little piece of that area on my tongue has been cut away. Not much can be done about it.

    I updated the post with a picture of what it currently looks like.

    Another dentist told me later “That is why we always use a dental dam, the rubber protects the rest of your mouth from human error or tool breakage, etc.”, if nothing else it shows incompetence on the part of your dentist if they cut your tongue.

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