Random Access Memories

June 2, 2010

AT&T And a lack of foresight.

by @ 6:06 am. Filed under Personal

So AT&T will change it’s pricing plans and do away with “unlimited data”.

“AT&T defends its decision to eliminate the unlimited data plan, saying statistics show that 65% of their customers use less than 200MB of data per month, while 98% of their customers use less than 2GB of data on average each month.”

Yes, I agree those numbers are likely correct. However, they are making this change in conjunction with the rollout of the new Iphone 4G. Now who really thinks that someone with 4G is going to use less than 200MB.

I am rather certain we’re going to see customers screaming bloody murder over this one in the near future. Nothing like increasing profits in the short term while you make customers unhappy.

One Response to “AT&T And a lack of foresight.”

  1. RyAnne Says:

    This is killing us at work. We have added 2 new Blackberry users since it happened, and one can’t seem to stay under 6G/mo. Do you know what it’s costing us?!
    Especially since ATT has no limiting feature like T-Mobile does. We can’t STOP her at 2G like I can do with my family members.
    It sucks. I swear, any time she’s near me, I hear the money draining out of our corporate profits, and there’s nothing we can do. 🙁

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