Random Access Memories

July 13, 2015

Comcast crap

by @ 2:52 pm. Filed under Personal

So, I have my internet service through Comcast. And they want to up my rate exponentially after the first year promotion is up. But i’m having none of that. So I called in a month ago to make sure the service will be cancelled,

“We cannot issue a stop order more than a month out”

Ok, I can believe that, so I called today saying I wanted service to end August 1st. The gentleman said,

“You will have to call back July 27th or later to do that”

Yeah, bullshit. I said “You mean 4 days is the window to stop service?”, “yeah” he said with some hesitation. “How about you go check on that, Sir, I believe you are mistaken”, I said with an exceedingly clear and firm tone.

After a few moments on hold he came back and changed his tune. Uh huh….

My guess is the harder they make it the more people end up just missing the date and paying another month.

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