Random Access Memories

May 5, 2022

Time to catch the impossible.

by @ 9:14 pm. Filed under Personal

So, 30-40 years ago in Arizona they stocked arctic grayling in Bear Canyon Lake. But they lost their source of stock fry to grow grayling to stock. They also said that supposedly grayling do not spawn in that lake. The last stocking was sometime in the 90’s.

So someone explain to me how I caught this arctic grayling today at Bear Canyon Lake. 🙂

UPDATE: So I got a response from Game & Fish. Not as rare as I thought, but now we know. Grayling are back in Bear Canyon! 😀

“We have been stocking fingerling grayling in Bear Canyon Lake in May of each year since 2020. You are correct, prior to 2020 we had not stocked them for a long time, but our employees at our Canyon Creek Hatchery have gotten really good at raising grayling from eggs and we now have more fish available than in the past so Department staff figured that stocking those fish into Bear Canyon Lake would provide a very fun experience for anglers fishing the lake.” – RYAN FOLLMUTH | REGION I AQUATIC WILDLIFE PROGRAM MANAGER | ARIZONA GAME AND FISH DEPARTMENT


by @ 8:05 am. Filed under Politics

Some people in my life act like politics is something distant, foreign, something we just shouldn’t care about. I just can’t be that way.

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