Random Access Memories

February 25, 2008

Moving complete

by @ 8:36 pm. Filed under Personal

Finally, the last of the gear is moved in and the storage is closed. (Public Storage had a “first month for 1 dollar” deal so it was only 23$ total for the storage unit)

Heard a hard “thump” in the truck on the way back to Olympia today. Didn’t see anything wrong when I pulled over, perhaps I lost a wheel weight or something because it still ran fine.

Decided i’m going to try and sell the yurt within the next few months. It’s just much more of a boat anchor for me then I need right now.

Other than that, not alot going on, time to pour my battered body into bed and get some rest.

And so it goes

by @ 10:43 am. Filed under Personal

Well, the yurt is finally up again, and i’m 3/4 moved in

Internet is up, and temporary power.

I need to go back to Bremerton for the last load today. Kinda trying to build up my resolve to go finish things off there, I feel like I fell off a cliff.

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Si hoc legere scis mimium eruditionis habes

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How long the USA has been under corporate rule:

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February 2008

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