Random Access Memories

March 28, 2006

John Allen Muhammad, going on trial, again?

by @ 10:51 am. Filed under Crime & Justice, Politics

Muhammad is scheduled to go on trial May first for six murders in a wave of shootings that terrorized the Washington, D-C area. He’s already been convicted and sentenced to death for a sniper shooting in Virginia.

Maryland prosecutors say? a conviction? in the state would ensure his continued incarceration and would give relatives of the six people killed in Montgomery County their day in court.

Ok, correct me if i’m wrong but why in the hell are we putting someone already sentenced to the death penalty on trial again? What is “Continued Incarceration”, are we going to lock up the body after he’s dead?

As for the relatives getting their day in court that’s just petty, if they want to confront him in court they should have? to pay the extra court fees for the trial. It would be far cheaper to have the state send these people to therapy for the rest of their lives.

4 Responses to “John Allen Muhammad, going on trial, again?”

  1. Jen Says:

    They do this simply to rack up as many years, etc against him… which in turn lessens his chances of parole. Hence, continued incarceration.

  2. Lasivian Says:

    Uh, Jen, you do realize he’s already been given the death penalty.

    How does one get parole from that?

  3. Jen Says:

    Charles Manson has been given the death penalty.. he still comes up for parole from time to time. Sirhan Sirhan has “life” in prison, and he just went before the parole board again (and was denied again). There are always loopholes, and every state has different laws for different things.

    I am just saying that him being convicted in more than one state is just a good “backup” plan to keep this undeniably crazy person in jail. Forever.

  4. Lasivian Says:

    Charles Manson got the death penalty in 1971, it was commuted to life with the possibility of parole in 1972.

    Sirhan Sirhan got the death penalty in 1969, it was commuted to life with the possibility of parole in 1972.

    Currently commutations from death result in “life without the possibility of parole”, which was not the case then.

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